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  • 0751-27311

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas pharetra aliquet velit quis semper. Ut eget justo massa, in sagittis massa. Phasellus vitae quam posuere erat tempor euismod. Aenean eu pellentesque dolor. Aenean lobortis lacinia imperdiet. Praesent tempus rhoncus malesuada. Nulla ultrices turpis at turpis fermentum suscipit ullamcorper turpis accumsan! Vivamus cursus neque vitae risus condimentum id tincidunt eros congue!

Integer nisl arcu, viverra in imperdiet eget, tempor sed nisl. Quisque sollicitudin blandit gravida. Cras accumsan nunc eu mi adipiscing congue. In accumsan velit neque, in sagittis nisl. Nam cursus, metus accumsan pellentesque sagittis, nisi magna tristique ipsum, commodo dignissim neque magna vel elit. Nulla facilisi. Aenean tempor blandit suscipit. Fusce dictum, nunc vitae dignissim laoreet, mauris ante consequat elit; eget dapibus libero odio eu risus. Quisque nec sapien in felis aliquet pulvinar? Vivamus vel dapibus massa. Vestibulum tempus fringilla lacus, sit amet ullamcorper leo.

 [space height='60']

Clear Floated Div’s

 [clear ]

Line Break


For using special positions

Special positions are: sticky_left, sticky_right, notice, tool_bottom. You can use them for any module type. For using this, please go to Module Manager and config your module to your desired position.

You can disable by:

  • Go to Administrator » Template Manager » Your_Template » Tab: Advanced » Use special positions » select: No for all special positions
  • Go to Administrator » Module magager » Your_Module(by postion: sticky_left/stickey_right/notice/tool_bottom) » Status: Unpublish for that module

For customize module in special position

The solution is using Module Class Suffix. You can customize button, module content follow Module Class Suffix

E.g. Module Class Suffix: bg-white @bullhorn then:
- Class of buttom is 'ico-bullhorn'. If without @... the default is 'icon-pushpin'
- Class of module is 'bg-white'

Template Settings


For each color, the params below will give default values
Blue Red Oranges Green Purple Pink


Background Color
Text Color


Background Color


Select menu
Google Font
Body Font-size
Body Font-family